Super Simple Vending Machine ------------------------------------------ Our vending machine takes two quarters and waits for the Dispense button to be pressed. It doesn't make change. It can only dispense one drink. There is a coin return button which may be pressed at any time. So, Inputs are, Quarter sensor -> Activated when a quarter passes by it. It doesn't count quarters. It only says a quarter has been deposited. Coin return button -> Returns any deposited coins. May be pressed at any time. Dispense button -> Will dispense our only drink type when pressed. Actions are, Open the coin return gate momentarilly -> Returns the deposited coins. Dispense drink -> Open the dispense gate momentarilly -> Gives the drink to the customer. Our machine is simple .. No lights, no change, only a single drink. If they put too many quarters we keep the extra; we act like they just deposited two quarters. Remember your FSM *cannot* have global state, i.e. counters.