
Last updated April 9, 2012

A photo of Benedict Eastaugh

Ex·tra·log·i·cal |ˈekstrəˈläjikəl|

  1. (adjective) A symbol in a formal language whose meaning is given by its interpretation, unlike logical constants whose meaning is invariant.
  2. (noun) The website of Benedict Eastaugh, a postgrad working on logic and philosophy of mathematics at the University of Bristol.

To get in touch, email me at benedict@eastaugh.net. My Twitter handle is @extralogical.

My research interests include reverse mathematics and the philosophy of set theory, particularly the role of reflection principles in justifying large cardinal axioms. Wrapping my head around these things requires large quantities of coffee and many blank notebooks.

I used to program for a living, and I like to keep my hand in: my current projects include Firmin, a JavaScript animation library, and various experiments with Haskell.

One of my goals is to read every published Philip K. Dick novel.

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