:ext QuasiQuotes
import qualified H.Prelude as H
H.initialize H.defaultConfig
[r| require("ggplot2") |]
Herman called me and asked if I could determine if his Covid19 testing idea was feasible.
The idea was the following:
Again we are trying to minimize the number of tests.
Let $N$ be the number of cool patients
Let $R$ be the infection rate
Testing everyone requires,
The Herman technique requires knowledge of the infection rate to determine the number of tests required.
The maximum number of tests required is
But in general the number of tests required would be,
where $f$ is a probabilistic representation of the distribution of test outcomes
Let $N = 1024$
Traditional testing would require 1024 tests every time. The Herman technique would require 2046 tests maximum and 2 tests at a minimum. It's effectiveness is determined by $R$, the infection rate.
$T_H=2\ \ \ \ \ for\ \ R=0$
$T_H=2046\ \ \ \ \ for\ \ R=1$
To determine the break even point between traditional testing and the Herman technique a Haskell program was written. A plot will be generated for $R$ vs $N$.
import System.Random
import qualified Data.List.Split as DL
genRands :: Double -> Double -> [Double]
genRands low high = randomRs (low, high) (mkStdGen 41)
asBools :: Double -> [Double] -> [Bool]
asBools iRate = map (<= iRate)
bSplit :: [Bool] -> ([Bool], [Bool])
bSplit myList = splitAt ((length myList + 1) `div` 2) myList
hermanPlotData :: Int -> [Double] -> [(Double,Double)]
hermanPlotData count =
map (\r -> (fromIntegral (hermansMethod (bRands r count))::Double, r))
hermansMethod :: [Bool] -> Int
hermansMethod bs =
(left,right) = bSplit bs
hitsLeft = sum $ map fromEnum left
hitsRight = sum $ map fromEnum right
whatToDo left hitsLeft + whatToDo right hitsRight
whatToDo :: [Bool] -> Int -> Int
whatToDo samples hits
| hits == 0 = 1
| length samples <= 1 = 1
| otherwise = 1 + hermansMethod samples
bRands :: Double -> Int -> [Bool]
bRands iRate patientCount = take patientCount (asBools iRate (genRands 0.0 1.0))
This is an example of the initial blood distibution. The splitting of tests is always done left to right
hermansMethod [False,True,True,False,True,False,False,True]
hermansMethod [False,False,False,False,True,True,True,True]
Note the same number of positive results, just the order has changed.
Now let's setup the simulation and plot.
let patients = 1000 -- Patient count (limited to 10^6)
let infectionRates = [0.001,0.005..0.4]
let bkevens = take (length infectionRates) (repeat 1000.0)
let (tests,iRates) = unzip $ hermanPlotData patients infectionRates
coord_fixed(ratio=(1.5)) +
d <- data.frame(iRates_hs,tests_hs,bkevens_hs)
ggplot(d, aes(iRates_hs)) +
theme(text=element_text(family="Ariel", size=12), aspect.ratio=0.9) +
geom_line(aes(y = tests_hs, color = "tests_hs")) +
geom_line(aes(y = bkevens_hs, color = "bkeven_hs"), linetype="dashed") +
labs(color = "Plot Type") +
annotate( geom = "curve", x = 0.1, y = 1400, xend = 0.15, yend = 1100,
curvature = -.3, arrow = arrow(length = unit(2, "mm"))) +
annotate(geom = "text", x = 0.09, y = 1400, family = "ariel", label = "Break Even", hjust = "right") |]